Friday, March 13, 2009

My Amazing Kids...

Today I took my kids to a birthday party at Madame Alexander. For those of you that don't know it, it's a Doll Company here in NYC that's been around for about 80 years. We had a tour of the factory, watched a man making tiny doll hats, saw miniature clothes being sewn and little wigs being brushed. It was pretty neat..and then we had cake!

Back at home later this evening my kids were very busy and very quiet for an hour while I was not paying attention..suddenly they came running out and surprised me with these..! They had started their own doll factory and made these dolls of our family. They only used what they could find..tape, paper and amazing is that!!


Sadie Says said...

That is great! I love it when kids up with with own creative projects. The dolls are fantastic.

Unknown said...

Your kids are amazing! Just like you!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi wendy!
oh my gosh! the dolls are wonderful! what a fabulous day you all had.

Metal Queen Mum said...

Those are so cool! Totally creative little proud of what you have instilled in them! :)