Saturday, December 12, 2009

ETSY Craft Night

Come join us for a teddy bear workshop with Wendy from Scary Stories — whether you're in Brooklyn or anywhere in the world. Stop by for our weekly Craft Night in our online multi-user chat room, the Virtual Labs, for a live online demo at 5 p.m. ET, or in person at the Etsy Labs in Brooklyn anytime between 4-8 p.m. at 55 Washington Street, Suite 512 in Brooklyn, New York. Craft Night is a time to make things, sharpen your craft skills, and connect with fellow crafters.

This week, on Monday, December 14, Wendy Gardner will show you how to turn any old shirt into an adorable teddy bear for a great holiday gift idea. There's no better way to clear out those closets and gain a handmade gift in the process! So, pinch a nice cotton button-down from the closet of your husband/boyfriend/grandpa and come on down to the Etsy Labs for some fluffy stuffy fun!


Archie and Melissa said...

How exciting wendy!
i cannot wait!
:) melissa

janety said...

its thanks to you!!! thank you for telling me about it!

didi said...

Neste Natal faça um passeio diferente procure aquilo que não só você precisa, mas seu corpo e sua mente também, passear junto a natureza com um clima dignamente europeu em pleno Brasil, somente em Campos do Jordão programe sua viagem |

Archie and Melissa said...

Merry Merry Christmas Wendy and family!

Have a wonderful day!

Melissa and Emmitt